
The Full Story – Introducing ESG

The elements of our Environmental, Social & Governance strategy have always been embedded in Lifestory’s DNA. In recent months, we have taken the time to categorise these and celebrate it as a holistic approach, iterating our good corporate citizenship sentiment. We want to take this further in the near future, and we are proactively 

Lifestory set up a Sustainability Working Group as we mirror the sentiment of David Attenborough at COP26; this is the decisive decade. In line with recent report findings by Stack Data Strategies and Hanbury Strategy, a business’ approach to climate change now falls within the realm of consumer perceived bread and butter, second only to the company’s treatment of its people; employees and customers alike. In a recent survey, 90% of our staff answered that they would recommend Lifestory as a great place to work. Although a starting point to be proud of, we’re on a mission to improve this further. 

We recognise the importance of reducing our carbon emissions more than ever. For some time, we’ve been using ground source heat pumps to supply energy to our developments, and prioritise embracing the latest technologies. Ahead of any legislation changes down the line, all upcoming developments will come with electric vehicle charging points, as we make progress in exploring our capacity for carbon neutrality in communal areas. 

Ensuring all third party contractors act with the same Lifestory ethics and respect to those who live at our developments, and all those impacted by them, is of utmost importance. We have a strong reputation for communicating and engaging with the local communities and their representatives, meaning positive working relationships are grown from the outset. Thus, we ensure our contractors are signed up to the Considerate Constructors’ Scheme and act responsibly and respectfully as an extension of our team.